Climate change is a profound challenge, and it is driving a major shift in the energy market. India has committed to achieve 450 GWs of installed renewable capacity and 500 GWs of non-fossil energy, including solar power, by 2030. To meet these ambitious targets, industries have a critical role to play. While most companies today recognise the need to decarbonize and switch to renewable energy for sustainable growth, they face several challenges such as lack of enough space to set up power generation units onsite, and limitations of individual power sources. Above all, they lack a reliable partner in their decarbonisation journey.
High up Solar System LLP, a B2B arm of High up Solar Power, is a trusted and reliable partner to businesses in their decarbonisation journey. With grid connected or open access hybrid renewable energy projects, a variety of offtake arrangements, and multiple tariffs options to suit the customers’ needs, High up Solar Power can help plan businesses sustainability roadmap and achieve 100% clean energy transition.
We combine solar and wind power in best of resource locations to deliver a flatter profile of green power during the day and the night. This allows higher plant load factors, of up to 50%, so you can achieve your sustainability goals faster.
High up Solar Power will deploy energy storage solutions to store the excess renewable energy generated by it. This allows us to deliver renewable energy for even longer periods, including peak hours and increases the plant load factor to up to 70%, and further accelerates your business towards sustainability.
To run your operations on 100% renewable energy 24x7, we deliver RTC power by combining sources like solar, wind, batteries, and hydro. We can deliver a defined MW of energy every hour, every month, and every year. With this uninterrupted renewable energy, you can meet your sustainability goals the quickest.
High up Solar Power – Your trusted energy transition partner
to help plan your sustainablity roadmap and achieve 100% clean energy transition across multiple facilities and geographies.